About Pytest-Scenario-Files

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Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, pytest-scenario-files is free and open source software.


pytest has a feature called parameterization that allows you to run the same test function repeatedly using different inputs to test multiple scenarios. However, managing the test data for parameterization can be a problem. Sometimes the input data is very large or there are many test cases, so that it is impractical to put all of the data into the source code of the test. In general I wanted the data file handling to be scalable:

  • If you have 50 unit tests you shouldn’t have to individually specify all 50 files to load, whether in code or on the command line.

  • You should be able to reference data from other files to reduce duplication.

An additional issue with the basic pytest parameterization API is how the user must provide the parameters. First all of the test case fixture names in a list, followed by a list of lists with the values the fixtures will take on, and then an optional list of test case id’s. Since the labels, values, and test case id’s are in separate lists it can be difficult to keep track of which fixture corresponds to which value if you have many of them, and also which group of values corresponds to which test id. The file structure uses a dict to keep the test case id’s, fixture names, and data values together in a way that is easier on the human brain.

This plug-in was originally named pytest-parameterize-from-files. It was inspired by the pytest plug-ins pytest-datadir, pytest-datafixtures, and pytest-xpara. I also later found the non-plug-in package parameterize-from-file. To avoid confusion and provide a more descriptive title, I renamed this project to pytest-scenario-files.

  • I wanted to load data from files without having to write any additional code. However, pytest-datadir and pytest-datafixtures required code in the test or fixtures specifically to read in the file.

  • I liked the way that pytest-xpara loaded data into a fixture, but didn’t like that it would only work with one file and that I had to specify the file on the command line.

  • After I wrote much of this project I found the package parameterize-from-files which has a similar name. It’s a powerful and capable tool, but it’s not to my taste as I think it’s trying too hard.

    • It requires a decorator per test function, with potentially complex syntax inside the decorator’s arguments.

    • It lets the user place code snippets into the data files which will be a maintenance problem down the road. It’s cleaner to take advantage of Pytest’s indirect parameterization feature instead.

    • Having to import the package in every test file and decorate each function increases the complexity of the test code.

This pytest plugin was developed using a skeleton generated by cookiecutter along with the cookiecutter-pytest-plugin template, then extensively modified to bring it up to modern standards.